We are so excited to be part of Pop!Tech community this year. Pop!Tech brings together scientists, educators, activists, designers, musicians, artists, and other innovators for a magical conference in Camden, Maine each October. WE CARE Solar was selected for a Pop!Tech fellowship, which includes a 5 day retreat that aims to accelerate the impact of “disruptive innovations.” I had the privilege of being were part of this amazing learning community – sharing ideas, challenges, and frustrations with sixteen other social innovation fellows striving make a difference in the world. We are all presenting our innovations to the larger Pop!Tech community later this week. You can learn about this year’s social innovation fellows at http://www.poptech.org/class2010. You can also watch the Pop!Tech conference live, which this year has the following theme: Brilliant Accidents, Necessary Failures, and Improbable Breakthroughs.
We Care Solar Suitcase: Providing Clean Energy for Safe Childbirth
The We Care Solar Suitcase® provides solar-powered medical lighting and power for communication and medical devices to last mile health facilities. With documented success in multiple countries, this innovation is one approach to providing clean, renewable energy and achieving universal electrification to healthcare facilities.