Partner With Us

Our work is only possible through our partnerships. We partner with Governments, UN Agencies, and local and international NGOs in both the health and energy sectors to improve maternal and child health through the provision of reliable electricity.

Become a Light Every Birth Partner

Our international Light Every Birth initiative, currently being implemented in Libera, Sierra Leone, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, aims to build a coalition of government agencies, development partners, and implementing organizations working in both the health and energy sectors to advocate for clean energy solutions to strengthen maternal-newborn care. If you are interested in becoming a Light Every Birth partner in one of these countries, please contact us.

Add Solar Suitcases to Your Initiatives

If you are supporting health systems and are interested in electrifying the health facilities you are working with, you can purchase Solar Suitcases to complement your initiatives.

Other Partnership Opportunities

We are always looking for ways to maximize our impact. If you have a partnership opportunity in mind or are working on a grant application and would like to add Solar Suitcases to your proposal, we can help.  Please contact us.

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