
Under Stormy Skies

This article is by Beth Eanelli, a former Peace Corps volunteer. She was a community health volunteer in The Gambia for 2 1/2 years, working with mothers and traditional birth attendants.  As part of her graduate studies at Duke University,

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Designing a Better Solar Suitcase

In a bright room in Google’s community space in San Francisco, three top Bay Area designers unpacked a suitcase. Under the watchful eyes of six We Care Solar team members, they unpacked cables, lights, phone chargers, headlamps, and an array

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We Care Solar Wins 2017 Drucker Prize!

  Today the Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University announced that We Care Solar is the winner of the 2017 Drucker Prize. We Care Solar’s solar-powered suitcases provide lighting and electricity for nighttime obstetrical care in the developing world. The Drucker Prize

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Solar Suitcases to Puerto Rico

  We are incredibly grateful to the Ricky Martin Foundation for providing 35 Solar Suitcases filled with LIGHT & HOPE for the people of Puerto Rico where the power grid is destroyed and will be down for several months.  Ricky

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My First Trip to Africa

I’ve been working at We Care Solar for over two years — and was a donor before that — so it might be surprising that I just returned from my first trip to see our Solar Suitcase in action. I had my

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Light Every Birth Liberia

  On March 9th 2017, We Care Solar announced that Liberia has become the first country to pledge to “Light Every Birth” at the launch of its global campaign to support healthy childbirth with affordable, accessible and clean solar lighting

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Reflections from a Solar Ambassador

In 2012, We Care Solar started the Women’s Solar Ambassador Program to train more than a dozen ambitious women to become our international solar installation trainers. They studied online materials for six weeks, then came to Berkeley for hands-on training

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