
Arrived in Africa – March 16, 2009

Despite some initial trepidation about transporting four boxes of equipment to Nigeria, I made it! I found a way to stuff the boxes inside suitcases to make them less obvious, then carried the new 50″ hospital antenna in a poster

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Third Trip

In two days I’ll be heading back to Nigeria armed with two suitcases filled with equipment. One will have the LED headlamps and new LED lightbulbs procured for the operating room and maternity wards. The other will have boxes of

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March 2009 Update

Laura will be returning to Northern Nigeria this month to bring additional supplies to Kofan Gayan hospital and to witness the beginning of the solar electric installation in the operating theatre, maternity ward and labor and delivery. Overhead lights will

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February 2009 Music and Dance Fundraiser

WE CARE had it’s first community fundraiser in Berkeley on February 22, 2009! We sponsored an evening of Live West African Music, Dancing, and Slides of Nigeria. Musicians and dancers from Africa and United States performed under the direction of

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December 2008 Update

Early success from our recent fund raising drive allowed us to purchase two brand new two-way ICOM radios to supplement our four existing Motorola radios in Nigeria and rapid chargers for ALL of the radios currently in use. We are

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There are things that we absolutely take for granted in American medicine. For example, it would not occur to us that a hospital would not have running water, electricity, or a telephone. We anticipate attentive front-line care from nursing staff,

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