Sponsor a Clinic: Help Us Light Every Birth

We Care Solar was founded in 2010 to make childbirth safer by ensuring health workers had reliable light and power. To date, we have supported more than 10,000 communities with our Solar Suitcases. Your $3,700* per clinic sponsorship will ensure that a community health center receives a Solar Suitcase for maternal and newborn care. Your support will be combined with the support of our other donors, helping We Care Solar to reach every qualifying public health facility in our Light Every Birth countries with life-saving electricity.

When you sponsor one or more last mile health facilities at $3,700 per clinic …

Your Sponsored Clinic Receives:

  • Five years of clean, renewable energy for maternal care.
  • Bright, medical-grade LED lighting for obstetric and newborn care.
  • Medical grade appliances, including a fetal Doppler and infrared thermometer.
  • Rechargeable headlamps for small task lighting.
  • Charging ports for phone communications and other devices.
  • The power to save lives

You Receive:

  • Our monthly e-newsletter with updates highlighting the impact of your support of the Light Every Birth initiative.
  • A personalized impact report with beneficiary numbers and photos from your clinic.
  • The option to have your name or your family foundation in our Annual Report.
  • The knowledge that you are truly making a difference
    in the lives of hundreds of families each year.

Through Light Every Birth We Have:

  • Equipped over 10,000 health centers with Solar Suitcases.
  • Trained over 42,000 health workers.
  • Served 18 million mothers and babies.
  • Averted an estimated 125,000 tons of CO2.

The Impact of Your Sponsorship

By personally supporting the cost of providing clean, renewable energy for maternal care in a last mile health facility you are joining a coalition of like-minded philanthropists, who are helping us to Light Every Birth. Thanks to you, mothers will no longer need to include candles or kerosene as part of their birthing kits, and midwives and doctors will be able to provide prompt emergency obstetric care throughout the night.

*Donations to We Care Solar are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Your sponsorship will be combined with other donations in support of our Light Every Birth initiative. A portion of donations may be used to raise awareness about the issues of electricity deficiency and maternal/newborn mortality through our advocacy efforts.

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